A Call in the Night
Have you ever gotten one of those calls that woke you up in the morning? You pick it up in a panic, thinking the worst, although you are praying for the best. The voice on the other end is your eldest child away at college. Take a moment, grab your coffee or tea, and let’s have a conversation.
I pray the sun is shining where you are, and if it is raining, you are in a position to sit and hear the gentle noise or thundering storm as it calms your nerves. Isn’t it strange how something so loud can bring us calm and make us want to get cozy and fall asleep? Anyhow, back to the call I got early this morning.
If you have a youngster in college, the worst thing you can get is an ill-timed call. It almost always sends up your spidey sense, and you are on full alert. Even if you are in a dead sleep when you get the call. So I pop up like a jack in the box, and I say, “Hello, Johnny? Are you there?”

He answers me back and says, “Mom, it’s me. I didn’t want anything. I was just up late studying for a test and couldn’t sleep.” As I said aww internally to myself, he went on to say, “I pray I am not bothering you. I just needed to take my mind off for a second.” I assured him it was fine and he could call me anytime.
Next, I told him to never apologize for calling me. He is not a problem or a nuisance, but my son, who I will always have time for. I know that as our children get older, they get their own lives, and we have to adjust to them needing us less. But don’t think they don’t think of you or sometimes want to call you. It’s just they are on Batman hours, and we live in our time. So if you don’t hear from them, pray for them anyway. Soon enough, they will call, and as parents, we always pray it is with good news.
Well, good morning, good afternoon, or good evening. Enjoy the rest of your coffee or tea. If you need a good recommendation, try this:
Strawberry Tea! Click the image to order.